How does sports play a role in our staff work routine?
29 September 2018: I would like to share something we practice at Green Trekkers. As our products are specialized at outdoor adventure, our staff are required to train up their fitness in order to experience the climb or caving or trekking which will then improve their ability to provide precise consultation to our guests signing up the tour. Every Wednesday we end our work 1 hour early and head over to the nearest park or stadium to have a minimum of 2 km jog or a game of badminton. On weekends, we hike regularly at local peaks such at Bukit Wawasan, Bukit Gasing, Bukit Ah Pek and etc. In the employment contract, it stipulated that all employees must complete at least 2 races a year, minimum 5km each. Ever since we started this initiative, staff are found to be more energetic at work, positive energy flow, less medical leave, better work place satisfaction and to the extend of natural weight loss through active lifestyle. Sports has build character, ...