Invitation from Korean National Tourism Organization for Korea Tourism Roadshow, B2B Event at EQ Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

Today, we received an invitation from Korean National Tourism Organzation (KNTO) to attend Korea Tourism Roadshow, a B2B event in EQ Hotel which will be happening on 14 June 2024, 2,30pm - 9.30pm. We have registered for this event. One representative will go on behalf of Green Trekkers to get to know more travel agencies based in Korea and hope to bring in more unique tourism products for the market of Malaysia. Korea remains one of the top destinations for Malaysians traveling abroad, especially during the winter season, to enjoy the cold and snow. Because Malaysia being a hot and tropical country, this is something unique that we don't get to enjoy everyday here. And with the high influence of Hallyu culture (Korean entertainment through drama and music), Korea remains top popular destination. With the long semester break coming up in Jan 2025, travel agents like us are gearing up to sell Korea packages. The B2B session will carry on through to dinner with "Korean Night" event. We will continue to update readers after the actual event. Stay tune to our Facebook for live streams of the event! #greentrekkers #KNTO #VisitKorea


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